Social Media Audits

Social Media Marketing

What is a social media marketing audit?

A social media marketing audit is an in-depth review of your current social media platforms. Social Jargn takes a look at the content, analytics, profiles, and settings of each platform then compiles a comprehensive report of recommendations for improvement and highlighting practices that should continue!

Why would you have a social media marketing audit?

You have to know where you are, so you know what needs done to get you where you want to be!

A review of your social media accounts is a good idea when you see a consistent downward trend, when your presence online has lapsed for a few months, or when there's been a change in staff. An audit can also be done to help you when putting together your next marketing plan!

86% of Americans will take their business elsewhere if a brand isn't authentic in their messaging.

47% of consumers expect brands to express their views via social media.

Marketers using social media marketing for 2+ years have seen 50% in sales.

How can Social Jargn help?

Social Jargn has a specific focus on social media as an industry and is consistently keeping up with platform changes, algorithm updates, and feature launches or quirks unique to each social media app (on iOS, Android, and Desktop) that others may miss. We are also tech friendly and technology forward, meaning we see the macro-view of how the Internet and the changes in ways we use it will impact a social media and online presence for a business and consumers.

Done For You

Done For You is exactly as it sounds. Consider Social Jargn your organization's marketing department without the additional costs of overhead, recruiting, and training. From start to finish, Social Jargn takes care of each and every intricacy for your organization. Regular meetings are held to ensure consistency and synergy with your sales team and internal leadership - this keeps everyone on the same page allowing for the best possible results! You remain the property owner for any digital assets created, meaning any intellectual property is yours to use at your discrecion. Services are available on a month to month basis, giving you the flexibility to add or remove projects as they fit your sales strategy and financial budget.

Done With You

Done With You plans are a hybrid between the Do It Yourself option and Done For You services. This tier is for entrepreneurs and business professionals who are looking to keep hands-on with their content and marketing, but need the routine tasks off their plate. For example, you may want consistent posting to be sent out on your social media accounts but prefer to handle comments and messages on your own. Or, you are recording your video footage and need someone to make the edits for you. Perhaps you have a podcast and would like the audio transcribed and reposted on your blog. We work in tandem and Social Jargn fills in the gaps you need so nothing is missed!

Do It Yourself

Sometimes, business owners are unable to hire a service to handle their marketing, social media, website maintenance, etc. but when they get stuck, they need someone to turn to! DIYers benefit from the Social Jargn community where learning is self-paced and questions are answered in video replies and click-by-click walkthroughs. For more in-depth hurdles, private virtual appointments are also available for guidance and troubleshooting.

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Necessary updates and news for successful social media marketing.

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Necessary updates and news for successful social media marketing.

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Why Social Media Marketing Is (Still) Relevant

April 13, 20187 min read

Why Social Media Marketing Is (Still) Relevant

Can you believe there are still some people out there who think social media is “just a fad”?


Instagram login page on cell phone

In 2020, I didn’t think such a person existed. And yet, I was talking to someone last week about how she really wanted to join the DIY Community but her boss had told her no – social media was a waste of time and the business wouldn’t see any benefit from it.

I was seriously floored.

And if you’ve been with me for a while you’re probably thinking, well – you ARE a bit bias, Ash.

And I would agree with you.

I started my marketing career in social media. I’m part of the O.G. marketers who didn’t have the luxury of cross-platform scheduling tools or in-app editing options. Heck, I was there when Vine launched! RIP…

Social media is such a HUGE part of business – sales, growth, advertising – that it still surprises me when people don’t believe in this “fad” that has been around for 16 years (longer, really but the Blue Giant – a/k/a Facebook – launched in 2004 so I’m using that as my benchmark).

Here’s the nitty gritty truth – Internet marketing isn’t new. It’s been around ever since the “archaic” days of email and woudln’t you know it… websites. You’re just using a different platform.

Social media has been an incredible tool that has created new businesses (including my own), billionaires, jobs… an entire industry! How could I not be passionate about this?!

After some reflection, I realized the biggest hurdle for some people is the return-on-investment spent on social media. Social media marketing CAN be measured by sales results, and I help businesses all the time unlock this knowledge (and we cover it in DIY Community), but it’s not an “I spent 3 hours on this today, I should have made XYZ in revenue.” It’s part of the long game – but really, the method is no different than having a dedicated sales person – with the exception that you can get that sales person in front of hundreds if not thousands of people at one time versus spending hours on the phone or spamming via email.

So here’s a quick list on why I love social media and why I think you (and your boss) should to…

1. Increased Brand Recognition.

If you aren’t staying in front of your customers or your potential customers, they forget you. Especially if they just receive an invoice every month. Social media keeps you more recognizable and familiar to your current customers as well as the potential for finding new ones! An active, well-kept social media adds clout to your business and avoids the awkward cold-call.

2. Improved Brand Loyalty.

Businesses who engage on social media enjoy higher loyalty from their customers. A study published by Convince&Convert found that 53% of Americans who follow businesses (or brands) on social media are more loyal to those brands. This means your customers aren’t going to go anywhere else – it means repeat business and referrals from that loyalty.

3. More Opportunities to Convert.

Every time you post on social media, it’s an opportunity for viewers to convert to a sale. When done correctly, businesses can build a strong following – a community – and the ease of interacting with all of them in one place! Every piece of content whether it be a blog, image, video, or meme is an opportunity for someone to engage with your business. Every engagement can lead to your website or straight into a conversation! The amount of opportunity found on social media is insane and just plain exciting.

4. Higher Conversion Rates!

Social media provides space for businesses and brands to become more humanized. Think about it, when was the last time you went to Walmart or Best Buy because you liked the business? It’s usually some other motive… low prices, a sale, and if you live in a smaller community like mine it’s the only place in town. But what makes you buy from Sarah or John instead of a big box store? Usually, you have a real connection with them. You know a bit about their backstory and if they’ve done a really great job on their social media, you see their products and services are exactly what you’re looking for. Who doesn’t want to help out a friend instead of “The Man” when you can?

5. Higher Brand Authority.

Interacting with your customers regularly is a showing of good faith for your customers. When people go to brag (or diss) your business, they turn to social media. Peer-to-peer reviews are WAAAY more trusted than advertisements. Social media provides the opportunity for you to know what people are saying about you and, when used properly, have control over the conversation. Interacting with other major influencers (another industry that has surfaced) also helps you become more authoritative and supports your credibility.

6. Increased Inbound Traffic.

Without social media, your inbound traffic is limited to people who already know you or the massive black hole that is Google. Quality content on social media means  more eyeballs = more conversation = more leads = more traffic. Show me a business person who doesn’t want more traffic, and I’ll show you a person who is so successful they should continue to invest in social media to keep their customers (see point #2)!

7. Decreased Marketing Costs.

Social media is SO FREAKING INEXPENSIVE it’s ridiculous! Now, you may have a boss saying how there are other costs involved… however, you cannot go to an ad agency for the same kind of momentum you can on social media. Even paid ads are super affordable! It’s why I started my business in the first place. I can get you an active, consistent social media space for less than what you’ll pay for radio, print, or television (no offense) and longevity out of your campaigns. For businesses looking for a DIY approach, I ended up launching a six-week training course so you and/or your staff can learn everything I’ve learned throughout my career.

8. Better Search Engine Ranking.

I speak with businesses and have a few clients who are super bummed that their social media isn’t performing like they want or how they think it SHOULD. But here’s a bit of info that I find so incredibly awesome… social media accounts are scanned and ranked by search engines just like regular websites. A quality social media presence tells search engines that your business is legitimate, credible, and trustworthy. Combined with kick-ass copy, your social media accounts will rank for search engine results and people will see you even if they don’t find you on social media first! Or if they do… back to point #1.

9. Improved Customer Experience.

I preach it all the time. Social media is meant to be social. I mean, it’s right in the name! So if you’re constantly sell-sell-sell it’s not going to work for you. However, if you’re able to connect with your customers and have a great conversation (where others will see!) it’s a solid opportunity to show others your integrity and character. The same is true for negative feedback. Show potential customers how they will be treated if something doesn’t go well. People want to be treated with respect, they want to be valued, and they want to work with humans. See point #4.

10. Better Customer Insights. 

One of the first questions I ask potential clients is… Who is your target audience? And many start telling me demographics like age, marital status, geographical location, etc. But social media allows for the opportunity for social listening – a way to gain information about what your customers are interested in and how they behave. This is incredibly valuable for when you are looking to advertise or market your business on other mediums and when you are creating content. And if your answer to who your target market is, is “anyone with money” – sorry, but you’re wrong. You want people with money who will spend it with YOU and the best way to find those people is to understand them; what they like, what they support, who they watch for entertainment, if they have children, what problems they face in life (so you can solve them!), etc.

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Why Social Media Marketing Is (Still) Relevant

April 13, 20187 min read

Why Social Media Marketing Is (Still) Relevant

Can you believe there are still some people out there who think social media is “just a fad”?


Instagram login page on cell phone

In 2020, I didn’t think such a person existed. And yet, I was talking to someone last week about how she really wanted to join the DIY Community but her boss had told her no – social media was a waste of time and the business wouldn’t see any benefit from it.

I was seriously floored.

And if you’ve been with me for a while you’re probably thinking, well – you ARE a bit bias, Ash.

And I would agree with you.

I started my marketing career in social media. I’m part of the O.G. marketers who didn’t have the luxury of cross-platform scheduling tools or in-app editing options. Heck, I was there when Vine launched! RIP…

Social media is such a HUGE part of business – sales, growth, advertising – that it still surprises me when people don’t believe in this “fad” that has been around for 16 years (longer, really but the Blue Giant – a/k/a Facebook – launched in 2004 so I’m using that as my benchmark).

Here’s the nitty gritty truth – Internet marketing isn’t new. It’s been around ever since the “archaic” days of email and woudln’t you know it… websites. You’re just using a different platform.

Social media has been an incredible tool that has created new businesses (including my own), billionaires, jobs… an entire industry! How could I not be passionate about this?!

After some reflection, I realized the biggest hurdle for some people is the return-on-investment spent on social media. Social media marketing CAN be measured by sales results, and I help businesses all the time unlock this knowledge (and we cover it in DIY Community), but it’s not an “I spent 3 hours on this today, I should have made XYZ in revenue.” It’s part of the long game – but really, the method is no different than having a dedicated sales person – with the exception that you can get that sales person in front of hundreds if not thousands of people at one time versus spending hours on the phone or spamming via email.

So here’s a quick list on why I love social media and why I think you (and your boss) should to…

1. Increased Brand Recognition.

If you aren’t staying in front of your customers or your potential customers, they forget you. Especially if they just receive an invoice every month. Social media keeps you more recognizable and familiar to your current customers as well as the potential for finding new ones! An active, well-kept social media adds clout to your business and avoids the awkward cold-call.

2. Improved Brand Loyalty.

Businesses who engage on social media enjoy higher loyalty from their customers. A study published by Convince&Convert found that 53% of Americans who follow businesses (or brands) on social media are more loyal to those brands. This means your customers aren’t going to go anywhere else – it means repeat business and referrals from that loyalty.

3. More Opportunities to Convert.

Every time you post on social media, it’s an opportunity for viewers to convert to a sale. When done correctly, businesses can build a strong following – a community – and the ease of interacting with all of them in one place! Every piece of content whether it be a blog, image, video, or meme is an opportunity for someone to engage with your business. Every engagement can lead to your website or straight into a conversation! The amount of opportunity found on social media is insane and just plain exciting.

4. Higher Conversion Rates!

Social media provides space for businesses and brands to become more humanized. Think about it, when was the last time you went to Walmart or Best Buy because you liked the business? It’s usually some other motive… low prices, a sale, and if you live in a smaller community like mine it’s the only place in town. But what makes you buy from Sarah or John instead of a big box store? Usually, you have a real connection with them. You know a bit about their backstory and if they’ve done a really great job on their social media, you see their products and services are exactly what you’re looking for. Who doesn’t want to help out a friend instead of “The Man” when you can?

5. Higher Brand Authority.

Interacting with your customers regularly is a showing of good faith for your customers. When people go to brag (or diss) your business, they turn to social media. Peer-to-peer reviews are WAAAY more trusted than advertisements. Social media provides the opportunity for you to know what people are saying about you and, when used properly, have control over the conversation. Interacting with other major influencers (another industry that has surfaced) also helps you become more authoritative and supports your credibility.

6. Increased Inbound Traffic.

Without social media, your inbound traffic is limited to people who already know you or the massive black hole that is Google. Quality content on social media means  more eyeballs = more conversation = more leads = more traffic. Show me a business person who doesn’t want more traffic, and I’ll show you a person who is so successful they should continue to invest in social media to keep their customers (see point #2)!

7. Decreased Marketing Costs.

Social media is SO FREAKING INEXPENSIVE it’s ridiculous! Now, you may have a boss saying how there are other costs involved… however, you cannot go to an ad agency for the same kind of momentum you can on social media. Even paid ads are super affordable! It’s why I started my business in the first place. I can get you an active, consistent social media space for less than what you’ll pay for radio, print, or television (no offense) and longevity out of your campaigns. For businesses looking for a DIY approach, I ended up launching a six-week training course so you and/or your staff can learn everything I’ve learned throughout my career.

8. Better Search Engine Ranking.

I speak with businesses and have a few clients who are super bummed that their social media isn’t performing like they want or how they think it SHOULD. But here’s a bit of info that I find so incredibly awesome… social media accounts are scanned and ranked by search engines just like regular websites. A quality social media presence tells search engines that your business is legitimate, credible, and trustworthy. Combined with kick-ass copy, your social media accounts will rank for search engine results and people will see you even if they don’t find you on social media first! Or if they do… back to point #1.

9. Improved Customer Experience.

I preach it all the time. Social media is meant to be social. I mean, it’s right in the name! So if you’re constantly sell-sell-sell it’s not going to work for you. However, if you’re able to connect with your customers and have a great conversation (where others will see!) it’s a solid opportunity to show others your integrity and character. The same is true for negative feedback. Show potential customers how they will be treated if something doesn’t go well. People want to be treated with respect, they want to be valued, and they want to work with humans. See point #4.

10. Better Customer Insights. 

One of the first questions I ask potential clients is… Who is your target audience? And many start telling me demographics like age, marital status, geographical location, etc. But social media allows for the opportunity for social listening – a way to gain information about what your customers are interested in and how they behave. This is incredibly valuable for when you are looking to advertise or market your business on other mediums and when you are creating content. And if your answer to who your target market is, is “anyone with money” – sorry, but you’re wrong. You want people with money who will spend it with YOU and the best way to find those people is to understand them; what they like, what they support, who they watch for entertainment, if they have children, what problems they face in life (so you can solve them!), etc.

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